We all have a part to play

I am getting ready to lead a study on the book of Esther this fall. So I have started studying and reading this book. I have come to a conclusion that Esther isn’t the only hero in the story. As I was reading I came across an interesting verse. One you probably have heard a million times. But read it one more time, slowly, focusing on the first part of the verse rather than the last. “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to a royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14. Did you notice anything new as you read this?

Here is what I noticed – Mordecai’s faith in a God who will always fulfill His covenant promise to His people. Mordecai knew this is what God wanted Esther to do; but even if she didn’t, he knew that God would not allow the Jewish population to be annihilated. Mordecai also knew this was bigger than him. He knew his life was at risk as well as Esthers. I think it was his faith in God and in Esther that gave her the courage to go before the king.

There are times when we are asked not to play the lead in the play but to be the supporting character. But oh how important that role can be. Maybe you are the one called to stand in faith while encouraging your child to go for what the Lord has called them to do. Maybe there is a friend who needs someone strong in their faith to remind them of what God can do in a situation.

Hebrews 10:24 says let us consider how we might spur one another on toward good deeds. And what greater good deed is there than obedience to God lived out in faith? The word spur there means to literally jab someone to the point they must respond. Isn’t that what Mordecai did? He reminds Esther that both his life and hers is at stake, but that God is bigger than this situation. Mordecai pulls on her heart strings by saying, “… you and your father’s house.” Mordecai had raised Esther. He was her father’s brother, her uncle. He pushes Esther so that she must respond. And he encourages her with his faith in a loving caring God.

If you are like me you want to be in the starring role – to be the hero who saves the day; but heroes need someone behind them, encouraging them, cheering them on to fulfill their purpose. There is nothing wrong with not being center stage. God often uses people who never get applauded for their actions. But that does not diminish their part in the story of God.

Who can you spur on toward good deeds? Whose faith can use a boost from yours? Is there someone who needs your faith and support today? Is there someone God has in your life for you to spur them on? Go find them and play your part with great gusto.

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