The Season Of Advent

Oh Advent how you make my soul relax, sing, and full of what matters most. Advent season starts traditionally on the Sunday after Thanksgiving and goes for 4 or 5 weeks depending on your religious affiliation. But I’d rather not focus on specifics of Advent but rather the intention and meaning of it.

The word Advent means “coming”. In general it means arrival of a notable person. But to me, Advent means so much more. I have done some sort of Advent calendar for years with my kids. There are so many creative ways to do the traditional Advent calendars on Pinterest. I think I have probably done most of them. But this year I decided to branch out even more in the world and season of Advent and do two Bible studies on the subject.

Both studies focus on slowing down and taking time to notice all the sensations of the Holiday Season. They both focus you on Jesus but in very different approaches. For the Christian, that is the purpose of any Advent activity – to focus on God, not ourselves, our wants, our desires. In the words of Ann Vankamp, “He begs us to spend the attention of Advent on the little, the least, the lonely, the lost.”

I shared a blog about Advent last year. You can read it here. This year, my intention in studying Advent a little deeper is learning to find God in every day, and honor Him with every day I live. I am focusing on the little things; slowing down and taking time to savor reading the Bible this season. Paying attention to needs spoken or unspoken by those around me. Taking them to Jesus and seeing how I can be used to help someone else encounter God in a deeper way. I have challenged myself with activities from both studies I am doing right now. If you are looking to do a study on Advent, I would highly recommend either of them. The Greatest Gift by Ann Vankamp and LifeWay Christian Resources women’s study called Advent – The Weary World Rejoices.

As I take time over the next few weeks to prepare my heart and my family for Christmas, I want to know that I am preparing for the right thing, the right reasons. Not a season of chaos, over-indulgence, stressful parties, and endless shopping; but rather on making a lasting difference in the people whose lives intersect with mine.

However you get ready for the Christmas season, I want to encourage you to make Advent part of your traditions. Take time to recognize what really counts this year. Slow down to notice those who really matter to you. Make space in your schedule for God to speak. Then make a resolve to follow through on what God speaks to you. Be courageous this Holiday season. Share what you really believe about Christmas. Take a step of faith and bless someone who can never bless you back; tell a stranger that Jesus loves them. Share your faith journey with someone, and invite them to start their own journey with Jesus. Be intentional about what has your focus and where you give your time. Don’t let the chaos around you determine how you respond to this season.

For traditional advent readings click here.

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