The impact of a child

This goes out to all the moms I know.

I recently had the privilege to lead a missions to trip to a Native American Reservation. It was an amazing trip! But the biggest take away I had came from a six year old little boy.

I don’t know much about his story other than that currently he is being raised by his grandma. She is a Godly woman, and from what I can tell has tried her best to show her grandson how to live for Christ. And she has done a great job at it.

This little guy prayed for us one night, and his prayers were powerful and strong. He prayed with authority and no fear. He declared God’s truth and bound the devil like it was second nature for him to do so. And it got me thinking. When my kids were little I fear I prayed little kids prayers with them. You know keeping things on their level of understanding, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, sometimes exposing them to things they can’t fully grasp has its place, too.

God uses children and kids all throughout the Bible. In 2 Kings 12:1-2 we see a boy at age 7 become king of Judah. He reigned as king for 40 years. The text mentions his mother’s name Zibiah of Beersheba. It says he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord because the Priest instructed him. I think we can infer from the passage that his mom was important. In a world where women had little value, and lineage is passed through the father’s family, why mention a mom? Unless that mom had great impact for the country. I believe that Jehoash’s mom influenced him. She taught him to listen to authority and quite possibly about the Lord, as well. However and whatever she did as a mom, it must have been good parenting because in a time when kingdom turn-over was high, he reigned for 40 years. Something about that boy gained both the favor the Lord and his fellow countrymen in order for his reign to last that long.

In 1 Samuel chapter 1 we learn that it was Samuel’s mom Hannah who took Samuel to the temple and left him there to live and learn and be raised in the ways of God (1 Samuel 1:23-28). Some commentaries believe that Samuel was 3 years old when he first stood in front of Eli the priest. God called to a child who then changed a nation.

King David was most likely a young teenager when Samuel anointed him as king. We know that he was thirty when he finally did become king after years of fleeing and fighting Saul.

Then there is the verse in Matthew 19:14 that says, “Let the little children come to me.” I know there are others who were quite young when they encountered God. But my point in this blog isn’t just that God can use little kids. I think every mom who lives for Jesus knows and believes that. My point is this – are we putting into practice what we believe? Are we giving little ones the opportunity to practice their faith? I will admit I wasn’t the best at this.

After seeing this young boy who had a genuine love and faith in God, who knew that God heard his prayers and believed that God would respond, I felt compelled to share with all the moms I know to teach your child to love Jesus first and foremost. Then from there give them opportunities to practice their faith. When you are praying with someone ask them to pray with you for that person.

Encourage them to practice hearing from God on their own. Have them share with you what God has whispered in their little ears. Play worship music while they color and ask them to draw what God is saying to them. Teach them to live for God. Teach them that praying powerful prayers is normal. Show them, guide them, and lead them into a life where prayer comes naturally. Teach them not to fear evil but to take authority over it from the time they can speak. Because God can and will use them now and in the future.

What would the world look like in 20 years if those little ones in nurseries all across the country in all sorts of different God-fearing, Jesus-loving churches grew up with the mindset that healing is what Jesus wants and that sharing your faith isn’t scary or something only to be done on the mission field? That praying with anyone in need is always the right thing to do, even if it is just in your head. What if they grew up knowing who they have always been in Christ from the time they are born? What if they are taught to believe – really believe – that victory is theirs in Jesus’s name?

Moms, don’t you want that? To have 6 year olds praying over adults as if it were a normal part of their life with God? So let’s encourage each other and band together to teach and lead our kids into living fearlessly for God no matter how old they are. Who’s with me?

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