About me

Hi, my name is Becca and I live one crazy life. I am the mom of 3 young adults; all a year apart! I am a wife, pastor, foodie, health enthusiast (for the most part), and I’m passionately in love with Jesus. Chances are I am not that different from you. Mom life is hard, and being a woman comes with its own set of challenges, too. My goal is to help other women find their place in the kingdom of God. I want to help young and old moms alike on the path of parenting. I hope to feed my family fast, healthy, food and show my kids how to walk through this crazy life arm in arm with Jesus.
On this site, you will find a host of different blog topics, some recipes, a few craft ideas, family bonding concepts, truth from the Bible with fresh insight, and stories from my own struggles and successes.
So join me as we journey through this crazy life!
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