Real Friends – Real Community

Do you know how many followers you have on whatever your favorite social media sight is? If you don’t, good for you. Do you know how many real friends you have? If you don’t, my heart hurts for you; but I don’t think you are alone. With the craze of social media, I believe we have lost real community and real friendship along the way. I am not meaning to bash you for posting but maybe give a loving word of caution. We all should care more about the real people around us that we interact with on a daily bases than the ones on screens.

I was sitting at my desk working on my Bible study and I read these verses. “And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works, not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” -Hebrews 10:24-25

I read it, paused and re-read it and then began wondering what some of the words mean in the original language of the Bible. So I did what I always do, logged onto and began searching for deeper meaning.

The word concerned is really made up of two words in the original language: kata and noioe. Kata means “exactly according to” and noioe means “to think properly from up to down, expressing real comprehending, thinking decisively to a definite understanding”.

According to this we are to be so concerned with people that we know what is really going on in their lives. We are to know exactly according to them what they are dealing with and think through that situation with up down thinking. Now this is just my thoughts on that up down thinking. To me it is heaven minded thinking. It’s heaven on earth mentality. I love that. I love the idea of thinking and interacting with people with a God’s way first thought process.

But according to this verse we are not just to be concerned about each other for the sake of being concerned. We are to be involved and concerned with people so we can promote love and good works. The word promote here means “a provocation” which literally means to jab someone so that they must respond. We are told in the Bible to be involved with others so that we have concern for them; we know what is really truly going on and then push them towards love and good works. The word love in the verse is agape love or God centered love. And good works means “beautiful attractively good, good that inspires or motivates others to embrace what is lovely, or praiseworthy”.

I bet you don’t have those kinds of interactions with people on social media. Connections where you have knowledge and true facts, and relationships where you can speak to them and help move them towards love and good things, so that others will be attracted to good that is happening in their lives.

This, people, is why we need church. Because I need someone involved in my life who knows what is going on, and can help me think correctly about myself and my situation so I can express God’s love and goodness to a world full of everything but love and goodness. And others need me involved in their lives at that same level so I can do the same for them.

This is the kind of life we are called to live. Real honest friends don’t come easy. There is risk involved for sure, but most rewards don’t come without risk.

So I want to encourage you. Are you involved in a church? I don’t just mean do you go to church? Lots of people go to church. But are you involved there? Do people know you? Does the leadership of the church know you? If not, God wants that for you. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of great churches. Find one. Get involved. Take the risk, and watch heaven invade earth.

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