A Precious Love

The steadfast love of God, how great it is.  To live in the knowledge of a Savior who loves us unconditionally, with an unmoving, never-ending love is overwhelming and amazing.

You have heard of people having a word to define their season, or maybe they have a word for the year.  I am not sure which mine is or both, but the word to define my life is STEADFAST LOVE.  I guess it really is two words, but who’s counting. Steadfast love is a word I hear in my heart and mind daily. It seems to jump off the pages of the Bible when I see it.  It recalibrates me when I get lost in the pain of life or the routine of the mundane.

So for the memory verse for the month of March, here is another one on steadfast love.  Maybe it will be a year of steadfast love. Time will tell, but for now, it remains my anchor of hope in a stormy sea.

Psalm 36:7-8 says “How precious is your steadfast love O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.  They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights.” Just take that first line, how precious is your steadfast love O God!  The Bible ends that sentence with an exclamation mark, but it could just as easily end with a question mark.  I ask God to show me how precious His steadfast love is.  He reminds me of Easter. Of a steadfast love that gave His life for mine.  Of how steadfast love clung to the cross, to the hope, to the redemption of my soul.

God’s love is not like man’s love.  It loves when it is inconvenient – when the one being loved does not deserve it.  It is always there through sleepless nights and sorrow-filled days.  God’s love surrounds us if we take the time to see it.

God’s steadfast love is an abundance feast in His house.  What a thought.  God’s love creates a place for us where we are the honored guest.  It quenches our dry throats with water from the river of His delight.  It refreshes and restores our broken hearts.  It reminds us that we are not alone.  There are others God graciously gathers with us to join the feast, to help us celebrate who He is in our midst.

What a love.  It knows no bounds, no limits, no hesitations.  It gives freely to all who will partake of it.  So I ask you, have you thought how precious God’s love is lately?  Have you silenced your mind and your heart long enough to really appreciate the steadfast love God offers?  If you haven’t you should.  Take a moment and think about what God’s love is to you. Maybe you have never thought about the fact that God, the creator of the universe, is passionately in love with you.  He is.  He loves you with a steadfast love that will never fade.  He loves you where you are right now in the midst of whatever your life is.  He loves you because He created you. No one knows you better, and still He will always choose to love you.  That, my friends, is a love worth daydreaming about.  It is worthy of gratitude and thankfulness.

Take time to tell God how precious His love is to you and how thankful you are for it. It will change your day.  It will make a bad attitude better.  It will remind you there is good out there and in you. It will pull you out of a funk and hold your hand if you need to cry.  It is precious and profound, and it is yours.

How precious is your steadfast love O God!(?)

Click here for the March 2018 memory verse


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