The Unshakeable Kingdom

gray concrete triumphal arch surrounded by flowers

I am not one for New Year’s Resolutions. You probably already know that based on the fact that the first post for this year is almost halfway through the month. I do, however, lean into words or themes God gives me for the year. A couple years back I felt like the Lord wanted me to study the word steadfast love, or “hessed”, in the Hebrew. I wrote a blog about steadfast love ( if you are interested in that. This year I feel led to study the word Kingdom specifically “The Kingdom of God.” In fact “The Kingdom” is a common topic for Jesus throughout the Gospels. Depending on which Gospel and which translation, it is mentioned over 50 times in Matthew, 17 times in Mark, and over 40 in Luke. John, on the other hand, has a much different style and approach in his Gospel only mentioning it 3 or so times. “The Kingdom” is mentioned in most other New Testament books and quite a lot by Paul as well. It is clear that “The Kingdom” is a major theme of the New Testament and should be for a believer as well. The problem is that word or phrase “The Kingdom” or “Kingdom of God” is so over used most of us don’t know much about what it actually means other than Heaven in the most broad sense of the word. My goal this year is to gain a deeper understanding of what the bible (mostly the New Testament, but I wont completely leave the Old Testament out) means when it mentions “The Kingdom” or “The Kingdom of God”.

I have decided to start with a verse from Hebrews that mentions “The Kingdom”. Hebrews 12:28 in the Tree of Life (TLV) reads “Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude – through this we may offer worship in a manner pleasing to God, with reverence and awe.”

When I am studying out a verse I look for key words, or words that draw my attention. I then look them up – usually on From there I will look into the surrounding verses to get context, and any verse that the verse I am studying either quotes or connects to in thought. I almost always read commentaries on the verse, look it up in other translations, and often ask a few close friends their take on the verse. It can be a long process, but it always is rewarding.

For this verse here are the words I looked up in the Greek:

Receiving – paralambano a compound greek word meaning para – come along side and lambano to take aggressively. You get the idea of joining with God (or rather God coming along side us) and us aggressively taking hold of something. From this you get the understanding that The Kingdom of God comes from God; but we have to be active participants in occupying it or advancing it. It also gives the idea of an on-going receiving – not just a one time thing. Which I find interesting and intend to pray through more and see if God reveals anything to me on that.

It would be hard to study on the concept of The Kingdom without looking into the word itself. In this particular verse the word relates the idea of God making men partners in His Kingdom to advance the interests of the Heavenly Kingdom. It is from the Greek word basileus which means the realm in which a king sovereignly rules.

I also looked up shaken, gratitude, offer worship, and reverence and awe. The phrase “cannot be shaken” is one word in the Greek: asaleutos – which means unmovable. It underscores the concept that The Kingdom is unshakeable because Jesus is always in charge and always triumphs. Gratitude means grace in the original language, which is a Greek word with so many subtle meanings. Overall it is the picture of one possessing greater authority leaning forward with arms open and palms extended out facing up as if offering something to one of a lower statute (God giving to mankind). The word worship isn’t fully in the original language but the word offer is which means I worship, or I serve. It implies one being hired for a technical task because they are well qualified. God hires us, so to speak, because we are well equipped or qualified to serve Him or worship Him in service. Reverence is a word picture that looks like someone carrying a priceless vase across a room. The person carrying the vase is aware of its value and is cautious, taking into account the seriousness of the job they are undertaking. And awe means Holy fear.

The author of Hebrews, while unknown, is one skilled in the Greek language, and possesses in depth knowledge of the Septuagint, and has a good grasp on the Temple sacrificial system. He is most likely referencing Daniel 7:18 (“But the holy people of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever.”) and the end of Haggai chapter 2:20-23 (Then the word of the LORD came a second time to Haggai on the twenty-fourth day of the month, saying, “Speak to Zerubbabel governor of Judah, saying, ‘I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. ‘I will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariots and their riders, and the horses and their riders will go down, everyone by the sword of another.’ ‘On that day,’ declares the LORD of hosts, ‘I will take you, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, My servant,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you,’” declares the LORD of hosts.) Based on these two verses, you get the understanding that God’s Kingdom is everlasting and God will shake and remove all other kingdoms one day.

The take ways for those who heard this message preached by this unknown speaker is the same as it is for us. Jesus is the one true King, He is coming back and His Kingdom will be the only Kingdom left standing. Through your faith in Jesus you will live one day in this Kingdom. God is going to shake and remove both spiritually and literally anything in our lives that is not rooted in Him. Our faith is not in governments, bank accounts, or job titles because all of those can be shaken and destroyed in a moment. God’s Kingdom – our home and future dwelling place for eternity and it’s King who is Jesus – is the only thing we can be sure won’t be shaken, broken, or taken away. We are to live here and now with a then and there, mindset, ever looking forward to the Kingdom that cannot be shaken.

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