Raiding the Pantry — Sweet Treat Recipe

Like you, I am spending more time at home. Working from home, schooling kids at home, limiting grocery store trips. I am sure you know the drill by now.

I have decided to make this time fun, at least in a few ways. I have lightened up on my diet (mostly because I am a stress eater.) For the most part I have cut out eating fast food, and junk food, eating clean and whole foods but there is one small horrible thing I have yet to conquer! SUGAR! It’s still a part of my life. I try -(ish) to cut it out and it just keeps coming back. And so I decided that during a world wide pandemic I would not be tackling that monster. Judge me if you want, but it was just too big of a battle right now. I limit it, but cut it out altogether? Not now.

Ok, back to making this season fun. I play a game with myself. I cleaned my pantry and then decided I would try to make recipes using what we have with adding limited ingredients from the store thus lessening trips to Wal-Mart and the duration of time spent in Wal-Mart.

From that fun little game this wonderful gooey gluten free sweet treat was born. I had a box of Chex rice cereal that needed to used before it went stale. It had been opened at some point and less than a bowlful was taken. So mostly a full box. I also had a bag a mini marshmallows. Which is strange because I have no idea when I would have added mini marshmallows to my grocery list; yet there they were. Still soft, but needing to be eaten, too. At least before my kids discovered them and began to just eat marshmallows for dinner or something like that.

Without looking on Pinterest I began to think of what I could do with these. And I thought Rice Krispy treats. Why not Rice Chex treats. But that isn’t too big of a stretch on a recipe remake. Then I saw the peanut butter and chocolate chips, and voila… the outcome was amazing!!


1 box (or a little less) Rice Chex Cereal

1 stick of butter

1/2 cup (ish) of peanut butter

1 big bag of mini marshmallows.

1/2 a bag of chocolate chips


Melt butter in a big pot on medium heat. Add marshmallows and stir. Once the marshmallows are mostly melted add peanut butter and stir until well combined.

Add cereal and pour into greased 9×13 pan. Let cool but not completely. When the mixture is cool enough to touch but still playable add chocolate chips pressing them slightly into the cereal marshmallow goodness. Finish cooling and cut into squares and devour.

As you can see, they didn’t last long in my house. I barely got this picture taken before they were gone.

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A Sacrificial Easter

Easter is in a few days. I’ve been feeling like I should write something about it, but I couldn’t figure out what. I just chalked it up to the fact that this year’s Easter is going to be, well, quite different from the ones in the past. Then I woke up this morning and thought, that’s it!

Yes, this Easter will be very different from every other Easter you have ever celebrated. There won’t be neighborhood egg hunts. There won’t be churches full of people. There won’t even be big family gatherings. No fancy Easter dresses, and no pictures with the Easter bunny. Different indeed.

But the more I thought about all that there won’t be, I began to think of all that there will be. There will still be the day that Jesus died on the cross (Good Friday as we know it); and there will still be the day that Jesus rose from the grave. Which is all we need for Easter. The things we are missing this year aren’t specifically bad. Maybe God is removing them so we can focus on Him and what He sacrificed at Easter.

If you’re like me, and I am going to guess a lot of you are, you don’t like sad things. I think it’s maybe our western culture. We don’t do well with death; especial an unfair one at that. So when we mention the cross we call it Good Friday and then skip over to the resurrection – the happy part of the story. So today I’m choosing to camp on the hard part of Easter – the sacrifice. Because without the sacrifice and hardship that Jesus was and did, there would be no Sunday celebration.

Stick with me here. We see it throughout the Bible. Sacrifices are common in the Bible. Maybe so common we skip over them, or maybe we think they are mean, or maybe we simple don’t understand them. But they are there. Specifically blood sacrifices. We see them applied to both forgiveness and healings.

The first sacrifice made was in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:21 where the Lord made garments of animal skin for Adam and Eve. An animal gave it’s life, and bled to cover them. We see over and over animal sacrifices for forgiveness of sins. In Leviticus 14:3-7 we see a bird sacrifice for healing of a disease. We even see Jesus tell the man with leprosy after healing him to go show himself to the Priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing. (See Luke 5:14)

You see the cross and the Blood that Jesus shed and the beatings that He took were His great sacrifices for us. The stripes that he bore are our means to healing. We can proclaim that we are healed by the Stripes of Jesus (Is. 53:5 and Matthew 8:17). We see in Eph. 1:7 and Hebrews 9:12-14 that we have forgiveness and are made righteous by the Blood of Jesus.

So this Easter, as things look a lot different than what we are used to; let’s look at Easter in a way we maybe aren’t used to either. Take time to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made. Take time to understand the power of the Blood. And then on Sunday praise Him from a new place of understanding. Shout praises to the one whose Blood truly makes us clean.

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