Gluten Free Cherry Ginger Coffee Cake

This recipe was created to use up some ingredients I had in my refrigerator – sour cream and cherry curd.  Odd, I know, but I knew I needed to use them both.  I also knew I had made a great tasting sour cream coffee cake before.  I decided why not spice up the original bundt cake with cherry curd and a little fresh ginger and make it gluten-free so I can give it to my mom for her birthday.  So I set out to do just that.

I did make a regular gluten-full one for my family and then made 4 mini gluten-free bundt cakes – three for my mom, and I kept one for me. The recipe is fairly basic and easily adjustable.

You start with butter and sugar and cream those together.  ( Sorry Paleo friends this does have sugar.  It was for a birthday cake after all, so I figured a little sugar to celebrate.)  If you are a super adventurous cook and want to try to make this paleo using maple syrup and almond or coconut flour, let me know how it turns out.  I was not that adventurous today.

Ok so you cream the sugar and butter together until it looks like this:

Then you mix in the vanilla and eggs one egg at a time.  Once that is all mixed up, you add the baking soda, baking powder, and mix it a little.  Then add one cup of flour and mix it in. Now add 1/4 cup sour cream and mix again. Then add the other cup of flour (mix again) and 2/3 more cups sour cream and mix. Lastly, add 1 tsp fresh grated ginger.   Once that is all mixed up you spray your bundt pan with non-stick cooking spray and sprinkle in the cinnamon and brown sugar.  Then pour half the batter over the brown sugar and cinnamon mixture and top with the cherry curd.  I did make my own cherry curd about a week before this to a make these amazing little tarts.  I found the recipe on Pinterest.  Back to the cherry curd.  I didn’t measure it, I just spooned some in the pan all the way around.  It looked like this:  Then you top it with the rest of the batter and sprinkle on a little more of the brown sugar and cinnamon mixture.  The little bundt cakes cooked for 27 mins and the big one for 45, both at a 350-degree oven.

I let them cool – probably not long enough because when I got them out of the pan, some cake stuck to the bundt pan.  I ate some of it and the bigger pieces I pushed back into their place.  I am not a professional baker so I am more about taste than looks. See what I mean.  One looks great the other not so great, but both taste awesome!

Here is the full recipe:

1 1/2 cups butter softened

3/4 cup sugar

2 eggs

2 cups flour (regular or gluten-free)

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

3/4 cup sour cream

1/2-1 tsp fresh grated ginger

cherry curd

1/3 cup brown sugar for topping mixed with 2 tsp cinnamon


Beat butter and white sugar together until well mixed.  Add eggs one at a time and vanilla.  Mix in baking powder and baking soda.  Then alternate sour cream and flour mixing until well combined.  Add grated ginger and mix once more. Spray bundt pans with non-stick cooking spray. Sprinkle in brown sugar and cinnamon mixture.  Pour 1/2 cake batter into pan (for mini bundt pans pour 1/8 of batter per mini bundt pan).  Spoon cherry curd over batter. Sprinkle in more of the brown sugar cinnamon mixture and then the rest of the batter on top of the cherry curd. Now sprinkle in the rest of the brown sugar cinnamon mixture and bake at 350.  For one large bundt cake cook for 45 mins.  For four small mini bundt cakes cook for 27 mins.  Let cake cool before removing from the pan.

Here is the one for my mom’s birthday all wrapped and ready to give to her:



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Weighed Down in Love

I have been wrestling with what to write for this month.  I felt like I should be patriotic and write about praying for your nation.   Then I had a different issue on my heart but finally felt the Lord lead to this while I was reading my devotional book this morning.  The devotion is by Beni Johnson from Spiritual Java.  The title was “Calling Forth His Desires”.  In it, she writes, “Often people ask me to pray for them, they come with an agenda or an idea of what they want to ask God to do.” She goes on to say, “We need to learn to listen to the heartbeat of God and not always present our ideas to Him as if they are demands. It’s not about whether agendas are right or wrong, but it’s about spending time with God and resting in His presence.  The amazing thing to me is that God is waiting for us to enter into Him.”

Bam, it hit me.  I have been meditating on a verse that I would like to make this month’s memory verse.  Isaiah 30:18. “Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore He exalts Himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is the God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for Him.”

This verse speaks of an intimate encounter with Jesus.  It portrays God standing, waiting with open arms to pour out His love and mercy.  It’s as if He is standing there with so much love, mercy, and compassion that He is bending under the weight of it and simply cannot wait to lavish it upon us.  He only needs us to turn our attention towards Him and ask, “What do you have for me in this situation?”

I’m not sure about you, but that isn’t the picture I have in my mind when I pray.  I often feel like I have to say the right thing, ask in the right way, and then wait for what seems like forever before I get an answer.  And I know God has timing, and it often involves us waiting, but I never think of God waiting on me.  Waiting to pour out His love on me. Waiting to show His justice in my situation.

That is an amazing thought to me; that God is waiting to pour out mercy and love, compassion and justice.  What an amazing God.  So the next time you pray, before you say a word, close your eyes and see if you can picture God standing there waiting with His arms so full of love that it literally is weighing him down.  He is there waiting to pour that love over you, to send justice in your situations, to hold you in compassion when you are hurting.  He is waiting for you.


Click Here for July’s Memory Verse


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